System Monitoring Tool





Performance of photovoltaic systems

| efficiency | financing |
A home photovoltaic system can be a good source of income thanks to the self energy production, so the payback period is very short.

The power of a PV system is expressed in kWp (kilowatt peak), which is the theoretical maximum power that the plant can produce at standard conditions of solar irradiation and module temperature (1000 W/m2 at 25 ° C).

A1 kWp system covers 40% of the average power consumption of a family. Assuming a system of 3 kWp, the payback time can be measured from the chart at right.

Theperformance of a photovoltaic system depends on the following factors:
  • average daily solar radiation
  • modules shifting and tilting
  • shadowing
  • technical performance of system components (modules, inverter, etc.)

Randazzo Energy - Rendimento impianti fotovoltaici 

Solar radiation

The amount of energy produced by a photovoltaic system depends on latitude and altitude of the site where the plant is located, but is also influenced by the reflectivity and absorption characteristics of the surrounding area.

A PV system of 1 kWp of nominal power, at its best, produces

  • in northern regions: 1000-1100 kWh / year
  • in the central regions: 1200-1300 kWh / year
  • in the South: 1400-1500 kWh / year

The map shows the annual average amount of solar radiation on Italy.

mappa irradiazione solare italia

Positioning solar panels

The best position for the panels is exposure to 0 ° south with an inclination (tilt) 30 °. On pitched roofs withsouth east, southwest, east or west orientations and with inclinations between 0 ° and 60 °, you must choose compromise solutions to optimize collection of solar radiation by 70% -80 %.


Obstacles close to the panels or on the horizon mayreduce the hours of sunshine throughout the day, especially in winter. The shading on photovoltaic systems can be calculated accurately in the planning phase.
Even dirt, debris or pollution may affect the efficiency of solar panels: panels are equipped with modern self-cleaning surfaces and a regular maintenance can reduce the loss of efficiency by one percentage point per year.