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Building automation |
Hotels and health facilities
Building automation applied to hotels or health facilities is based on two fundamental technical concepts:
- The use of "distributed intelligence" with small control units
- The use of electrical "bus" connections (fast and easy to realize, potentially unlimited)
The main system functions are:
Room services
- Client access control
- External indicator when the customer is in the room
- "Do not disturb" indicator outside of the room
- "Ready room" indicator for the service staff
- Power supply control unit in the room, depending on the customer's presence or absence
- Water leak alarm in the bathroom
- Fire alarm
- Inventory management of the drinks refrigerator
Common areas
- Parking management
- Customers consumptions records
- Fire alarm, intrusion, security door openings
Technological areas
- Monitoring of cooling and boiler systems
- Detection and status alarms for
heat pump/air-conditioning
- Room and Chip Card assignment
- Update on the room conditions
- Charge for drinks refrigerator consumption
- Staff presence management system
Fire detection
- The fire control sensors (smoke and flame detectors, fire alarms) are connected with the main network
